1 Corinthians 2:16
As a believer our judgments must come from the word of God. In 1 Corinthians 2:16, Paul is addressing the difference between the judgment from the world and the judgment from the body of Christ. This judgment says that it is only through the knowledge of what would God do or what did God say that proper judgment can be made.
The mind of Christ is recognized when we as believers judge according to the Word of Christ; when we accept His view above any other. We have His “opinion” written down for us to follow and live by. This opinion should develop us in our character and spiritually. It should also govern the way we live our lives and conduct ourselves daily.
So then, if we have the mind of Christ then we can do the things spiritually and morally that please God. Living like all that matters is the Word of God; we take this mind, in life itself.
For Christians, what is deemed right and what is deemed wrong has everything to do with what is the mind of Christ on the matter. If we are ever to run into situations were questionable behaviors were at stake we should always go to the word of God and get the mind of Christ on that topic. Whether it is family life, job life, church etiquette or any other situation, we are to consult with the word of God to establish our position on the topic.
It’s amazing that Paul uses this opportunity to say that the world cannot properly judge the church because the world does not have the mind of Christ. Its judgment falls far short of what God considers proper and improper or right and wrong.
Bishop Reginald Blackmon